"Why are you looking at my buttons, dear?" Anna couldn't imagine that people would stare at her more than generous thumbs.
Another character doodle on a double page in my Moleskine sketchbook in watercolors/pencils. This is actually an art journal entry that I haven't come up with just the right words yet. They'll come to me eventually though.
Hope she made you smile! :)
I also have a Moleskine sketchbook. How I wish I could put it to such creative use as you do. And yes, it made me smile.
Just take a look at her!! I think she's just as nice as can be!!
Yup -- ya made Me smile!! --
You make such wonderful eyes! So expressive! Love the way you used the button theme too.
oh she did make me smile!
what a great painting!
oh that she did. lol.
Such grotesque thumbs. I knew a fellow who dated a girl with such thumbs, the likes of which I have not seen since.
She gave me a smile.
She gave me a big smile :)
Nice and yes, got a grin goin' here!
As the owner of rather 'hard working' hands and generous thumbs I would definitely focus on the fingers! I'm not sure what a moleskine is. . out here they're a pair of farmers pants!
Smiled, indeed! :)
That's a great piece. All I can think of is...thumb wrestling champion of the world!
Happy TT! I wish I could sketch!
Gives a whole new meaning to the Rolling Stones' "Under My Thumb!"
Hi, Great illustration.
I love to use Moleskine books too. -Jayne
great doodle. i wish i could draw
She has a sweet face and such lovely rose lips!
Thanks for sharing. It would be a sad world indeed without the many forms art comes in. Love the thumbs.
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