PERFECTLY IMPERFECT-I may not be the best at what I do, but Nobody has MORE fun trying than I do! :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shoe--Theme Thurs.

This week's Theme at Theme Thursday is Shoe. I happened to have pulled a quirky shoe image out of my doodles the other day, so thought I would play. WC in Handbook sketchbook. Sorry the paper wrinkled some. That's why I prefer Moleskine sketchbooks. :)

This may, or may not, be the shoe Cinderella left behind. I'm just saying...


Archie and Melissa said...

oh i just love it!
what a playful and whimsical piece!
it makes me happy!

Tom said...

colorful, nice theme thursday shoe

The Silver Fox said...

Quirky indeed. I like it!

Alan Burnett said...

Oh, I love this. It illustrates the benefits of Theme Thursday so well. I will be a regular visitor from now on.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I particularly like the color!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Paper will be paper....nice color story!- Jayne

Betsy Brock said...

Your doodles are great! I have a pet rabbit that runs free in the house, so your header immediately caught my eye! :)

Tess Kincaid said...

Fun doodle! Welcome to TT!

Brian Miller said...

nice. colorful. why don't my doodles turn out like that?

Debo Hobo said...

that's a doodle!?!

No that's a piece of art! You are gooood:)

Roy said...

I'm with Debo - that's a doodle? Looks like a perfectly good book illustration to me! Even better, a hanging banner for a shoe shop in one of those trendy outdoor malls with the old gaslamps and brick walks.

Welcome to Theme Thursday.

Rhonda said...

It might be her's, you never know!

California Girl said...

Fun design and so colorful. They look like Scherezade slippers to me...unless, of course, there's a heel.

Anonymous said...

Pretty neat for a doodle and like your header work :)

Jaime said...

nice take on the theme. cute shoes :)

Baino said...

I'm 'white rabbit' late catching up this week but love the shoe . .looks a little 'exotic' for young Cinders?

Taluula said...

Love it. Love it. Now I've found you I will be calling lots of times.