EDM #179-Draw an onion-I sketched 2 yellow onions. The front one still has the dull outside skin on it. I've gone from "I can't believe I drew these!" :) to "I can't believe I drew these." :/ I can see all sorts of stuff to make better on them since I posted them, but that's how I learn. I'll do better next time! In the meantime, I kind of like these, and I used a carbon pencil in my Moleskine with buff color pages and posted them as is. No darkening with the pc this time!

EDM #249-Draw a coffee pot-I sketched my ceramic coffee pot bank twice. It was given to me by my best friend around 1974, not long after we moved into our new house. She brought it when she came to see us. It originally looked like the colored version (I used wc & charcoal pencils). It has set on my kitchen window sill, over the sink, for all these years. The pot on the left is how it looks now, after many washings to get cooking grease/smoke off. The paint finally got so ragged that I scraped it all off and now have a lovely shiny white pot setting on the window sill.
Our lives have taken many twists and turns over the years, but we have remained close friends, and we have coffee and laughs together on a regular basis. :)
Lovely sketches. It is always such a visual pleasure to visit your blog.
Great details on the onions. I like the two versions of the coffee pot. My favorite is the yellow.
I love how many memories are shared because of the edm challenges! I love the coffee pot! It looks terrific in yellow!
Personally I don't see anything wrong with darkening the scans. I don't know about carbon pencils, but graphite is shiny so it scans very light as the light gets reflected off the graphite.
And I CAN believe that you drew this...because you are getting better all the time!
Great art and stories. Loved both posts.
Hi, loved your coffee pot. I was glad to know it has my age! Beautiful work!
Way to go! I love it when you override the brain on a seemingly impossible task and it just comes together so seamlessly! Drawing and painting every day will just make you become more and more confident!
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