In this post I'm going to share some pix of my studio. Back in the spring I started the monumental task of cleaning out and organizing my upstairs studio. The room had not been cleaned out or used in several years (too expensive to heat/cool) and had become akin to an upstairs attic storage space. I could not walk around without moving stuff out of the way, every table, chair, etc was piled high, boxes/baskets of stuff filled the floor, and needless to say, I couldn't find anything. I should have taken before pictures to share. It took several days, but I started in the middle and kept digging out small spaces until I had my studio back again. I got rid of tons of stuff that I no longer needed or wanted, and stuff that had been ruined by light, insects, age, etc. I know it's still going to look messy to many of you, but considering how it was before it now looks like I'm a neat freak. :)
I owe a great deal of my success to the Organized Studio group. They cheered me on, gave me inspiration, and generously shared their ideas and before/after pix. I wish I'd taken before pix, but since I didn't here are the after pix I promised of my now workable space with the infamous blue curtains (see curtain saga post below). I didn't buy any pretty containers, just used what I had, and I haven't started working up there yet, so it's still relatively neat.
This is the NE corner where my stairs come up. The bookshelves hold books, new art papers, paintings, sketchbooks, paint, palettes, etc. The ice chests hold heat sensitive sprays, paints, etc. I temporarily laid some new frames flat on the table with the sheet curtains I just took down and will use as dust covers. On the floor are canvas and framed paintings. Also a few cleaning items. A little Santa wind chime hanging from the center adds a tinkling sound when the fans are on.
This is the North end where I paint with oils. The two paintings on the easels are works in progress that I started about ten years ago. I'll finish them eventually. The drafting table holds my palette, paint rags, etc. The TV and a radio sits on an old entertainment center that we rescued from beside a dumpster several years ago. It has 5 large compartments behine the doors.
The NW corner. The lop-sided chest was made by a great uncle and is over a hundred years old. I painted the oval scenes on the front when I first started painting. I broke the two end legs off dragging it across the floor and have never gotten them replaced, so it's kind of propped up. It has 3 shelves inside. The teddy bear and monkey are mine from childhood, very much loved. A magazine holder is in the floor next to the end of my work table.
The SW corner and side. The rest of my work table with storage underneath for frames, mat board, cutter, etc. The file cabinet holds newspaper and magazine clippings and journals. The wicker hamper holds my crochet yarn & projects. The corner table has a bartender's sink in it, but it froze & burst one winter and hasn't been fixed. My dad made the print rack for me.
South end. Utility table, thinking chair, baskets. I made the cloth doll from a pattern. She is one of my muses named Lucy, and she's very good company. ;)
SE corner. The old chest of drawers was bought at a yard sale. It and the shelves hold various containers of cross stitch supplies, paper making, papier mache, writing, and other craft supplies, as well as various magazines.The middle of the floor is totally empty...for now. :) I am so proud of myself for sticking with it til it was straightened up. Now if I can just keep it that way? ;)
Way To Go, Sharon!!! I am So impressed! You have made this a lovely, workable space. Can't wait to see the art that happens now!
Sharon, you inspire me to get my art room straightend up, but I don't know where to begin.
I like your studio and it's furnished with everything you need.
We really do have a lot in common. I save so much stuff also.
I laearned a lot about your place, Rabbit Hop. I didn't know it was a real place by that name. I had always thought you just made it up.
Girl, you need to finish those paintings. Please come by to see where I have to work now. I paint and also teach piano and voice in our big all purpose room. We added a porch and carort this spring.
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